Horizon Electric Fireplaces

Ambiance without the mess

Enjoy the flame without having to chop the wood.

Introducing the next generation in Ultra-realistic living flame electric fires.

Gone are the days when an electric fire was the last option if you could not install a gas or solid fuel appliance.

Modern electric fires are now the pinnacle of design and the first choice for the discerning consumer who wants looks, ease of use and the latest in technology.

Design opportunities are endless, and the fires will become the center of your living area where you can build them into bookcases, media units and feature walls.

In standby mode, this fire provides all the homely ambience of a real fire without the need to chop wood or clean up mess. Using LED technology and drawing just 20W of power (less than $1 per week running 24/7), you can have a fire running at any time while using very little electricity. Customise your fire by changing the look of the coals and logs; or by changing the size of the flames and strength of coals in the fire bed.

When you need warmth, simply press a button on the remote and you have a 2kW, thermostat controlled heater at your convenience.

Requiring no special materials, clearances or flue for installation other than just a standard power point, this fire can be retrofitted almost anywhere you could imagine.

The Polaris electric range offers a stunning ultra-realistic flame, which has been achieved by carefully modelling the fuel bed from actual logs sourced from woodlands.

Each model in the Polaris range can easily be configured for single sided, two sided or three-sided applications.

You can create a fire look, which is completely unique. Whether that’s toning down the flames to showing red-hot embers on the fire bed, or maybe you want a strong, fast flame (there are 5 flame speeds) to warm a room on a cold evening – it’s totally up to you.

Polaris Range

Polaris 620E

The 620E model is suitable for existing fireplaces or new built applications and is ideal for apartments or homes where a flue cannot be installed.

This compact and versatile electric fireplace can be styled with a traditional mantelpiece or a contemporary flat black or stainless-steel trim.

Polaris 1000E

The 1000E is the middle-sized Polaris fire that like the others can be installed in many ways; one sided, two sided or three sided.

This compact and versatile electric fireplace can be styled with flat black or stainless-steel trims

Polaris 1600E

At 1.6 metres wide, the 1600E is ideal for large feature walls and room dividers.

With one, two or three sided installation possible, imagination is the only limit to what can be achieved when installing the Polaris 1600E fire.