CLEAVER Salumi Cabinets

Make. Salami. All Year Round.


CLEAVER enjoys a little indulgence, sports the occasional sauce stain and never orders ‘dressing on the side.’ He drinks his whiskey neat, and saves the Coke to cook his ham hocks.

CLEAVER learns from Nonna, YouTube and his mistakes, he’s not keen on instruction manuals. He has a healthy respect for tradition, but appreciates the benefits of technology.

CLEAVER likes to make things by hand and loves to share them. And sure, he doesn’t mind a bit of praise either.

He believes you can respect the beast in life and still savour it in sausages. CLEAVER understands that everything good requires patience.

Our Salumi Cabinets are brought to you in the spirit of CLEAVER, a little bit tough, a little bit fancy, a practical luxury; equally at home in the kitchen or the Man Cave.

Make Salami This Weekend

The CLEAVER Salumi Cabinets are the world’s finest domestic salumi & dry ageing cabinets.

This sleek freestanding design with tinted, double glazed glass door, seamless stainless door trim, stainless steel internal fittings and pull-out stainless steel shelves.

The CLEAVER is equipped with heater, compressor cooling, self-evaporating, de-humidification, humidifier, passive air-circulation, UV led lighting allowing you the capacity of making your own salami or dry ageing meat every day of the year.